I stumbled on the Fugly Blog a few years ago. Love it or hate it the blog has great information on the dark side of our horse world. I personally love her honesty and writing style. I’m a sucker for snarky!
Like most horse owners I love all breeds but am only educated on the breeds I have personally owned. I have learned about so many abuses in the different horse industries from the Fugly blog. The blog does not pick on any one breed, but anyone that abuses horses is fair game.
Her posts on faux rescues have educated me on how a good rescue operates. I am amazed how many crazy people there are in this world, the abuse stories bring tears to my eyes. My favorite posts are the crazy for sale ads. Who needs reality TV with Bad Parent Du Jour?
The blog is not fully appreciated without reading the comments. The blog audience is very diverse and I really enjoy the different opinions from around the world.
Reading the Fugly blog is my guilty pleasure. It is better than a soap opera. You have humor, drama , and sex; what more can you ask for in a horse blog? It is as entertaining as it is educational and I highly recommend it to my horse loving friends.
And just for fun here is an adorable pony video I found on the blog.